Warm Up: EMOM 5
Light Prowler Push
Jump Rope
Walking Lunge W/ Twist
Palio Chair or Wall Sit
Back Squat 5/3/1
*work up to last weeks heavy 5
*add weight for a 3 set and 1 set
Every 4 Minutes for 20 Minutes:
6/6 Uneven Kb Front Rack Lunge (70/53)
15/12 Cal Bike
10 TTB/Knee To Elbow
*hold single kb in front rack position on one side (opposite side unloaded) Complete six reps of lunge, switch bell to opposite side.
Fitness: 3 Rounds
5/5 DB Step Up and Curl
10 Ring Row
15 Bench Dips or Tri Cep Pull Downs
5 Rounds:
6/6 DB Lunge
10 Calories
10 Knee to Elbow (hanging or standing)
Cashout: 1 Mile Jog