Warm Up: 2 Rounds
Prowler Push Down and Backs
Light Ball Slam
Rope Slam
Straight Arm Push Down
Strict Press: 5,5,5,5,5
Build to a heavy 5 set
Workout 3 SETS (4:00 on / 2:00 off)
200m run
20 box jump (24/20)
20 wall balls (20/14)(14/10)
Max deadlifts (275/185)(185/125)
Fitness: 4x
8/8 Split Squats or Pulse Lunge
10 Ring Rows
4 rounds
1:00 work at each station with 2:00 rest between rounds
-Max Calorie
- Floor Press
- KB swing
- Sit Ups
-Prowler push Down and Back