Warm Up:  1 minute Each 

  1. Bike 

  2. Jump Rope 

  3. plank 

  4. hollow rocks/ hold 

  5. palio chair 

  6. walking lunge 

  7. Air Squat

Performance: Take 10 Minutes to build to a heavy 2 Front Squat  

For Time: 100 Thrusters: 95/55 
*top of every minute perform 5 burpees including the 1st minute
*20 Minute time cap

Fitness:  E3MOM 
Minutes 1 - 3 
200m Run 
15 wall Balls 

Minutes 3 - 6 
200m Ski/Row 
15 Up Downs (no push up)
Continue this pattern for 24 minutes (4 Rounds)
* Scale reps to something you can complete

Finisher: 100 Crunch’s
Each break = 20 Plank Shoulder taps 

