Warm Up:  400m or down and backs 

2 Rounds: 
200m Row 
- 20 Banded good mornings 
- 20 Band Pull aparts 
- 20 Plank Shoulder Taps 

Performance: EMOM x 20 minutes: 
1) 10 Sumo Deadlift (75/55) + max rep burpees for remainder of minute 
2) 10 Hang Clean + max rep burpees for remainder of minute 
3) 10 Hang snatch + max rep burpees for remainder of minute 
4) Rest 
* score = total burpees

Fitness:  3 rounds for quality: 

  • 10/10 Banded Row + 7-10 DB Strict Press

  • 30 sec pillar plank or Wall Sit 

  • 10 Kb Deadlift 

  • 1:00 Bike 40 - 60rpm

EMOM x 15: 

  1. 15 Ball Slam 

  2. 15 Ring Row 

  3. 10/8 Cal Ski 

* scale reps as needed 



Happy Memorial Day