Warm Up: EMOM: 5 Min
Jump Rope
Banded good mornings or Glute Bridge
Pillar Plank
Hollow Rock or Hold
Performance: Deadlift 5/3/1
work up to last weeks heavy 5 for your first set of 5
add weight for the 3 and 1 set if possible
Fitness: Kb, Hex Bar or BB Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5
* work up in weight each set to a challenging 5 set
21 - 15 - 9
Kb Swing
TTB/ Knee to elbow/ Tuck ups (make them challenging)
Body weight lunge
*Start the workout w/ 3 - 5 Burpee and perform them On The Minute until workout is complete.
1 Mile Bike Ride
1 Minute Farmer Carry As heavy as possible
20 Front Delt Raise
20 Lat Delt Raise