Warm Up: 200m or Down and Backs
3 rounds: 10 reps each move
Body Weight Lunge
Tuck Up
Rope Slam
Performance: BB Front Squat: 3,3,3,3,3+
*add weight each set
*go max reps on last set
Fitness: 5 rounds:
Weighted step up w/ curl 4/4 (30/20lb)
*30 rest between sets
EMOM x 5 Minutes
30 seconds high effort sprint on Ski/ Row
30 seconds casual
EMOM x 5 minutes
:30 Jump Rope + 5 DB Front squat
EMOM x 5 minutes
15 Kb Swings + wall sit remainder of minute
* 1 Minute Rest between EMOMS
EMOM 5 minutes
15 sec Bike sprint
*remainder of minute slow pedaling