1) 200m
2) Jump Rope
3) Plank (30 sec pillar/ 30 sec push up)
4) Flutter kicks
5) Farmer carry
5 x 3 Press + 3 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk
--Build Over the course of the 5 sets
1-5) 10-15 t2b/ Knee to elbow [goal is to be unbroken]
6-10) 10 burpees
11-15) 10/7 calorie Sprint bike [should take less than :25]
3 sets for load
8 Arnold Press
*rest 30 seconds
1 minute wall sit
*rest 30 seconds
20 v - ups/ Tuck Up
*add weight to wallsit if possible
3 Rounds for max reps:
1 minute max rep wall ball
Rest 30 seconds
1 minute max ball slam
rest 30 seconds
1 minute max cal Ski/Row
Score = reps and cals