Warm Up: EMOM
1) 10/8 Bike
2) Down and Backs or prowler push
3) 200m Row/Ski
4) Rope slam
5) Pillar Plank
3x10 of each exercise before moving on to the next
rest :60 between sets
-Single DB/KB Lunge (each leg)
- BB Bench Press
-Strict Pull Ups *
-Box Jump
-Push Press Press (Barbell
-Chin Ups/Ring rows
-Double KB/ DB Front Rack Step up
*Scale Pull Ups using a band or heavy pull downs
Fitness: 1 Round
4 Min Stations
1 Min Rest between Stations
Station 1
5 Burpees
10 Step Ups
Station 2
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Sit Ups
Station 3
10 Tuck Ups
20 Lunges; :20 Wall Sit (alternate)
Station 4
10 Ups Downs
15 Air squats
20 flutters