Warm UP: EMOM x 5
1) 200m Row
2) Banded Tri Cep Pull Down
3) Russian Step ups
4) Farmer Carry
5) Jump Rope
Performance: EMOM x 10
5 DB Atomic Burpee (30/20)
200m Run
AMRAP x 15 Minutes
15 Kb Sumo DL High Pulls
15/12 Cal Bike
1 Prowler Push Down and Back
Fitness: 3x
5/5 SL RDL or 10 Kb Deadlift
7/7 Bent Over Row
16 Landmine or Banded Rotations/ Palof Press
1 Round
5:00 Stations
1:00 Rest b/t Stations
Station 1 AMRAP
15 DB Lunge
Station 2 AMRAP
15 Ball Slams
Station 3 AMRAP
Prowler Push Down and Back
Core Cashout: 2-3 Sets
10/10 Bird Dogs
Weighted Glute Bridge
30 Russian Twist