Warm Up: 1 Round
100 Jump Rope
50 Plank Taps
2 sets:
8/8 Front/ Lat Delt Raise
Lateral Band Walk
15 Squats w/ band at Knees (focus on driving knees out)
Performance: Back Squat: 5-3-1-5-3-1
Death By
Odd Minutes Burpees
Even Wall Balls
Minute 1: 1 Burpee
Minute 2: 2 Wall Balls
Minute 3: 3 Burpees
Minute 4: 4 WallBall
Aux work:
2 Sets: 12-15 Reps
Leg Extensions
Straight Bar or Cable High Pull
Fitness: 3x
10 Double KB Front Rack Lunge (Build)
10 DB Floor Press
:30 Sit Ups/ Tuck ups/ V ups
3 Sets for Max Reps; Continuous Clock
1:00 - Cal Row
1:00 - Strict Ring Dip or Bench Dip
1:00 - Box Jump/ Step Up
1:00 - Toe to Bar/ Knee to Elbow
1:00 - Rest