Warm Up: 400m Or down and backs 
2 Rounds:  30 sec Each: 
Jump Rope; Plank Taps; Superman; Band Pull Aparts 

Performance: Close Grip Bench Press

3 x 12-15
DB Bench
Tricep pull down 

Death Row: EMOM x 20 minutes
Min 1- 15/12 Cal Row  
Min 2- 10/8 Burpees

Fitness: 3 sets; 10-12 reps 

DB Crush Grip Bench 
TBar Pull Downs
Palof Press 

1 Round:

  • 400m 

  • 20 Ball Slam 

  • 20 Push Press 

  • Prowler Down and back 

  • 200m 

  • 10 Ball Slam 

  • 10 Push Press 

  • Prowler Down and back 

  • 10 Kb Swing 

  • 10 Ring Row 

  • 200m 

  • Prowler down and back 

  • 20 Kb Swing 

  • 20 Ring Row 

  • 400m

Cashout:  2 Min Wall Sit
Each Break = 10 Knee to elbow 



Happy 4th of July!