Warm Up: 400m Or down and backs
2 Rounds: 30 sec Each:
Jump Rope; Plank Taps; Superman; Band Pull Aparts
Performance: Close Grip Bench Press
3 x 12-15
DB Bench
Tricep pull down
Death Row: EMOM x 20 minutes
Min 1- 15/12 Cal Row
Min 2- 10/8 Burpees
Fitness: 3 sets; 10-12 reps
DB Crush Grip Bench
TBar Pull Downs
Palof Press
1 Round:
20 Ball Slam
20 Push Press
Prowler Down and back
10 Ball Slam
10 Push Press
Prowler Down and back
10 Kb Swing
10 Ring Row
Prowler down and back
20 Kb Swing
20 Ring Row
Cashout: 2 Min Wall Sit
Each Break = 10 Knee to elbow