Warm Up: 500m Row
Work down; do sit up round twice and back up = Each Circuit = 6 min Totals
1-2 Min rest between Circuit
Circuit 1:
:30 Bike: :30 Rest
:40 KB Swing :20 Rest
:50 Sit up :10 Rest
Circuit 2
:30 Burpee :30 Rest
:40 Wall Ball :20 Rest
:50 Flutter :10 Rest
Circuit 3
:30 Prowler Push :30 Rest
:40 DB Snatch : 20 Rest
:50 Jump Rope :10 Rest
12/9 Cal Bike
20 Kb Swing
15 Sit Up
10/8 Burpee
15 wall ball
:30 Flutter
Prowler Down and Back
10 Db Snatch
Jump Rope
Push Ups