“The future depends on what you do today.” –Mahatma Gandhi

Warm Up:  400m
3 Min AMRAP:
10 Step Up/ 10 Bench Dip
1 x 20:
Pvc Pass Thru/ Band Pull Apart 

Performance: 3 rounds

  • 10/10 Hi-Lo bandee chops

  • 10/10/10 hollow rock, tuck up, v up

  • 6-8 each bottoms up kb press

3 Rounds :90 @each station

1) 12-18 front rack or Overhead Lunge

2) 10- 15 DB bench press

3) :75 comfortable/:15 hard Bike

4) 10+ strict pull ups (banded)

3 sets: 

  • 10 yd Walking Lunge
    10 - 12 DB Incline Bench
    10/8 Cal Bike

3 Rounds: 1:00 Stations
*20 sec transition between stations
1:00 rest between rounds 

  1. Db Front Squat 

  2. Up Downs 

  3. Db Push Press 

  4. Sit Ups

Cashout: 3 sets: 
:30 plank hold on db’s 
:20 Side Plank
10 Weighted Glute Bridge


“The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” –Vince Lombardi


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”