Warm Up: EMOM With 20 sec transition
Down and backs
Bike 50- 60 RPM
Jump Rope
Prowler Push down and back
Hollow Rock/ Hold
- Build to weight your going to use for clean and jerk
Every 2 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets):
Station 1 – 400/300 Meters of Rowing
Station 2 – 20yd Walking Lunges with KB/DB Farmer’s Carry (30/20)
Station 3 – 10 Clean and Jerk/press (115/85)
Station 4 – 15 Burpee Box Jump/ Step Up
Fitness: AMRAP x 20 MINUTES
200m Row
50 Flutter Kicks
25 Air Squats
1:00 MB or KB Front Rack Hold
Cashout: 10 - 1
Sit ups
Russian Twist