“Make each day a masterpiece.” -John Wooden
Warm Up: 200m
3 Min Cardio: Jump Rope; Bike; Knee to elbow; JJ
1 x 20: Band Row/ Band Press/ Palio Chair
3 Rounds: 2:00 Stations
*No Rest Between Stations
**1:00 rest b/t rounds
Station 1: Row 400/300m
Station 2: 25 Burpee
Station 3 :Plank (every break = 10 sit ups)
Station 4 :Wall Sit (every break = 10 lunges)
Fitness: 3 Rounds:
1:00 Stations
*20 Sec transition b/t stations
1:00 Rest b/t rounds
Station 1:
Max Med Ball Ground to Over head
Station 2:
Max Up Downs
Station 3:
Max Box Step Ups
Station 4:
Max Cal Row