Warm Up:
400m Run/ Ski
200m Row
100 Jump Rope
2 x12:
Good Morning
Band Pull Apart
EMOM x 8
3 Deadlifts
*increase in weight every other round. Keep weight moderate-heavy.
*Straight bar or Hex Shooters choice
Performance: On a 5:00 Running Clock
50/35 Cal Bike
AMRAP x 10 Minutes
10 Db Deadlifts
10 Box Jump
10 Sit Ups
10 Box Dips
*if athlete finishes under the 5:00 cap on bike, rest until minute 5:00 and start AMRAP
*score is totals and rounds and reps
Fitness: EMOM x 12 Minutes
1) :50 Max Sit Ups
2) :40 Max Ring Rows
3) :30 Max Cal
Finisher: 2-3 Sets
15 Supermans
10/10 Single Leg Box Squat
30 Hollow Flutter Kicks