EMOM 5: 

  1. Down and Backs or 200m

  2. Step Up

  3. Jump Rope

  4. Good Morning

  5. Band Pull Apart

3 rounds

  • :90 Bike (50-60); (60-70) RPM 

  • 50yd Object Carry out and back

  • 7/7 Side Med Ball Throw or Weighted Russian Twist 

EMOM x 16

  • Minute 1: 15 Sumo KB Deadlift (odd rounds) Suitcase Deadlift Even Rounds

  • Minute 2: :40 Pillar to Plank or Shoulder Taps

  • Minute 3: Prowler Push

  • Min 4: 200m Run/Row 

Finisher:  2 sets
Chainsaw 7/7
Wide Grip Pull Down 12-15
1 Round of 5 second levels 

