
Warm Up: EMOM: 

  1. 12/9 Cal Bike

  2. Jump Rope

  3. Air Squat

  4. 10 Pushups remainder of minute = plank

  5. Hollow Rocks or Hold


Performance: Buy In: 1 Mile Run

  • Bench Press = 5 x 3

  • Incline DB Bench = 4 x 12

  • Single Arm DB Bench= 3 x (8/8)

  • Triceps Push Down = 3 x 20

    Cashout: 1 mile run

Fitness:3 x 12: 

  • Walking Lunge

  • Ring Row or Chainsaw

  • Prowler Push down and back

4 Rounds for reps: 1:00 @ each station 

  1. step ups w/ Curl

  2. sit up

  3. db push press/ Incline Bench

  4. calorie

  5. rest


