Warm Up:
200m Run
200m Row
12/9 Cal Bike
High Knee/ Butt kick/ Kick outs
Palio Chair or Wall Sit
In 10 minutes or less: Build to a 3 rep max front squat
-rest as needed-
In 10 minutes or less: Build to a 1 rep max push press
EMOM x 15 minutes
10 Db Push Press 40/25
15 AB Mat Sit ups
5/5 Lunges (holding db in rack)
* 3 burpees to start every minute
3 rounds:
5/5 Single Leg RDL
5/5 Step ups W/ Curl
10 Lat Pull Down/ T Bar Row/ Ring Row
Air Squat
Kb Swing
*30 jump rope or 10 step ups between sets
Bench Press = 5 x 5
Close Grip Bench = 4 x 5 (Barbell or Dumbbell)
Lat Pull Down = 3 x 15
Behind the head Triceps Extension 3 x (8/8)