Warm Up: 10-8-6-4-2
Calorie Bike or ski
:30 Jump Rope Between sets
Bench Press: 6-4-2-1
*6/6 Single Arm Bent Over Rows With KB after each set
** Work up to a heavy 6; attempt to add weight each set
3 sets: AMRAP x 4 Minutes
6 Toes to Bar
8 Push Ups
10 Box Jump or Alt Box Step Ups (24’/20’)
-Rest 1:00 Minute between sets-
4 x 7-10 Reps
Db Bench/Floor Press
Single arm bent over row with KB after each set
3 sets: AMRAP x 4 Minutes
6 Hanging Knee Raise or 15 Standing Knee to Elbow
8 Push Ups (use bar or wall if needed)
10 Alt Box Step Ups (24’/20’)
-Rest 1:00 Minute between sets-
Cashout: 3 Rounds:
20 Sec Hollow Body Flutters
10 tuck ups
5 V-Ups