Warm Up:
20 Banded Good mornings
20 band pull aparts
spiderman complex
Deadlift: 5-3-1-3-5
*In between sets perform 5 seated DB FLAT BENCH AHAP
*work to heavy 5, add weight for 3 and 1 weight. Take weight back down as reps go back up
5 rounds:
10 db deadlifts heavy + 50 yd farmer carry
5 burpee Push ups
:30 max effort assault bike
*rest 2:00
*score is total calories completed
3 Rounds:
10 KB High Pull
10 DB Bench Press
10 Tricep Kick Down
5 Rounds:
10 Kb Deadlift + 50 YD farmer carry
5 Burpee
30 sec max cal (bike or row)
Rest 1 minute; score = total calories completed