
Warm Up:  3 rounds: 

  • High Knees (down and back or :20)

  • 20 band pull apart 

  • Butt kicks 

  • 20 plank shoulder tap 

  • High kick 

  • 20 sec hollow hold 

3 x 10 
Chin ups/ pull downs 
Lateral Db Raise 
8/8 heavy chainsaw 

"4x5:00 On/ 2:00 Off 
400/350m Buy-In 
then as far as possible in remaining time 

  • 10 burpee/ Box lat overs (alternate rounds)  

  • 20 Wall Balls 

  • 30 sit ups

* each 5 Min AMRAP Will start with a 400m, remaining of time is to knock out reps
**If you leave off on wall balls,  the next round complete your 400m and start back at that spot 

