Warm UP: 1 Min Each:
- Ski
- Wall Sit
- Plank
- Ball Slam
*repeat @ 30 seconds
4x4:00 on/ 2:00 off AMRAP
10/7 Cal bike
10 Ring rows
20 Front squats (95-115/65-75)
25 hollow rocks/ sit ups
*start back where left off
Every 4 minutes for 16min or 4 Rounds:
10 Burpees to plate*
15 plate ground to overhead
20 OH Lunges W/ Plate
*Burpee to plate = step up or jump up to a 45/25 after each burpee
Cashout: 3 sets
:30 Flutters
20 Banded tricep Pul Down
10 DB Curl