Warm Up: 200m
Down and Back: 
High Knee, Butt kick, Kick Outs; Walking RDL; Lateral Shuffle

  • 60 Sec Bike @ 40-60 RPM 

  • 50 Sec Jump Rope 

  • 40 sec Plank (any variation) 

  • 30 Second Hollow Hold 

  • 20 Sec Superman 

  • 10 Push Ups 

E2MOM x 20 Minutes: 

Min 1&2: 20/15 Cal Row/Ski + Max Ring/ Reg Dips or bench Dips 

Min 3&4: 200m Run + max pull ups/ ring rows 

*score equals dips and pull ups 
*2:00 window for each working period

Finisher: 3 sets: 

  • 30/30 Flutter kicks (plate held at lockout) 

  • 30/30 russian twist 
    *kicks should be controlled and intentional…6” off ground with legs extended

