Warm Up: 

  • 200m 

  • 20 plank ups (elbows to hands) or shoulder taps 

  • 20 Push Ups 

  • 20 Pass Thru 

  • 20 DB Curl 
    *repeat these movements cutting the reps in half 


  • 3 x 3 Strict Press 

  • 3 x 2 Push Press 

  • 3 x 1 Push Jerk 
    *Load should stay the same for each set and build between movements

10 Rounds…..

  • 5 Toes to Bar 

  • 8 Cal SKi 

  • 10 Push Ups 

Fitness: 3 Rounds: 

  • Prowler Push or sled drag down and back

  • 10 ring Rows 

  • 15 Bench Dips or Tri Pull downs 

  • 20 short box lateral overs 

EMOM x 15 Minutes: 

  1. 12-15 KB Deadlift High Pull 

  2. 8-10 Burpee Step Ups 

  3. 15-20  Sit Ups 

*Find the reps for you.

