Warm Up:
EMOM x 5
200m Jog or Ski
200m Row
12/9 Cal Bike
Prowler Push Down and Back
Jump Rope
3 sets: Work up to a heavy load
6/6 Barbell Lunge
*same load across
For Time:
Db Power Clean (50/35)
DB Suitcase Lunges
Pull Ups
Fitness: 3 sets
6/6 Step Back Lunge
10 Ring Row
:30 weighted wall sit
EMOM x 20 Minutes:
Min 1: 1o Step up w/ curl
Min 2: 15 Thruster
Min 3: 20 Sit Ups
Min 4: 25 Kb Swing
Min 5: 30 Mt. Climbers (l/r=1)