Warm Up:
400m or down and backs
2 Rounds:
10 Ball Slam (light)
10 Slam Ball Cul
10 Slam Ball Press
Prowler Push down and back
Performance: EMOM x 10: Clean Complex
3 High Hang Power Clean
3 Above the Knee Power Clean
3 Below the Knee Power Clean
*goal is to stay light/moderate and focus on bar path
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes:
12/10 Cal Bike
15 Air Squats
10 DB Hang Power Cleans 40/30
Fitness: “dirty 30ish”
30 Step Ups
30 Ring Rows
30 Kb Swing
30 DB Front Squat
30 Knees to elbow
30 Db Push Press
30 Kb Deadlift
30 Wall Ball
30 burpee
:30 Jump rope