Warm Up: 

  • 400m or down and backs 

  • 2 Rounds: 

  • 10 Ball Slam (light) 

  • 10 Slam Ball Cul 

  • 10 Slam Ball Press 

  • Prowler Push down and back 

Performance: EMOM x 10:  Clean Complex 

  • 3 High Hang Power Clean 

  • 3 Above the Knee Power Clean 

  • 3 Below the Knee Power Clean 
    *goal is to stay light/moderate and focus on bar path

Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes:

  • 12/10 Cal Bike 

  • 15 Air Squats 

  • 10 DB Hang Power Cleans 40/30

Fitness: “dirty 30ish”

  • 30 Step Ups 

  • 30 Ring Rows 

  • 30 Kb Swing 

  • 30 DB Front Squat 

  • 30 Knees to elbow 

  • 30 Db Push Press

  • 30 Kb Deadlift 

  • 30 Wall Ball 

  • 30 burpee 

  • :30 Jump rope

