Warm Up: Down and back: 2 Rounds:
High Knee; Butt kick; Kick Outs; lateral band walk
3 Min Cardio: Jump Rope; Skater; Bike; Jumping Jack
20 reps: PVC Pass Thru: Med Ball Push Press; Push Ups
Performance: Push Press
On a 10 Min Clock build to a heavy 3 rep
“Pushing Nancy”
5 rounds for time
400m Run
15 Push Press (95/65)
Fitness: 10-10-8-8-6
DB Bench Press
ChainSaw or Lat Pull Downs
Med Ball Sit Ups
Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes: or 6 rounds
Run/ Row 200m; 12 Kb Swings
Finisher: 2 Rounds:
30 seconds work 15 seconds rest
Alt Single Leg V- Up
Tuck Ups
Russian Twist