Warm Up: Down and Backs or 200m
2 rounds:
20 Pvc Pass thru
20 Band pull aparts
20 Banded Good Mornings
3 Rounds:
6/6 Single Arm DB Press
6/6 Single Leg DB RDL
20 seconds hollow rocks
Strict Press
*building in weight each set
2 Rounds for max Calories/ Reps.
- 2 Minute Max Cal Ski/ Row
*rest 30 seconds
- 2 Minute max ball Slam
*rest 30 seconds
2 minutes of 10 hanging knee raises + 10 lunges
*rest 30 seconds
2 Minutes of Prowler Push 1 Way + 10 Tricep Push Ups
*Rest 30 Seconds
2 Minutes of Planking every break = 10 Sit Ups
*rest two minutes
*repeat doing each move for one minute
Cashout: 1 Mile Bike Ride holding 60/50 RPM