12 Days of Christmas Workout
100m Run/ Row or Ski
2 Walking lunges (each side)
3 Thruster (95/65)
4 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
5 Deadlift (95/65)
6 Bar Over Burpee
7 Jump Squats
8 Toes to Bar or Sit Ups
9 Pull Ups/ RIng Rows
10 Box Jump
11 Kb Swing
12 oz Beer or Burpees
Perform the reps like the song:
1 = 100m
2,1 = 2 lunges + 100m
3,2,1= 3 thruster + 2 walking lunge + 100m
4,3,2,1 = 4 Hang Power Clean + 3 Thruster + 2 walking lunge + 100m
*continue this pattern until you reach 12-1