Warm Up: 7 Min AMRAP:
10 Step Up
10 Bench Dip
10 Air Squat
1 Light Prowler Push
1 x 20 PVC Pass Thru
Performance: 8-6-4-4
Back Squat
-Rest 1;30 b/t Sets-
3 Rounds for Time
21 Kb Swings
15/12 Cal
9 Back squats @ 60% of last 4-set
Choose either Bike or Run
"Death By 20 yard Shuttle Run"
Minute 1: 20yd (run out 10yds and back 10yds)
Minute 2: 20yd-20yd ....
Or Jump on Bike for 10:00
0;00-4:00 Steady
4:00-10:00 (intervals)
:15 Hard :45 Casual.. build intensity
Fitness: EMOM X 12 MIN
Minute 1) 12 Front Rack Lunges
Minute 2) 1 Round of 5 Second Levels
2 Rounds 3:00 Stations
No Rest b/t Stations
1:00 rest b/t Rounds
Station 1
500m Row
Station 2
10 Push Up/ 10 Ring Row
Station 3
5 Sit Ups
10 Air Squats