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Warm Up: EMOM
1) 10/7 Cal Bike
2) :45 Jump Rope
3) :45 Pass Thru
4) :45 Band Pull Apart
5) Prowler Down and Back
Performance: Strict Press 5-5-3-1-1
Shoulder Press for load: build to a heavy 1rm
1 Round
5:00 Stations
1:00 rest b/t Stations
Station 1
20 Wall Balls
10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Station 2
20 Plate Hops
10 DB Deadlifts/ Db Hang Clean (alternate)
Station 3
20 Double Unders or 50 singles
10 DB Lunges
Incline Bench 8,8,8
Chainsaw or Low Row 10,10,10
TrI kick backs Pull downs 12,12,12
3 Rounds
1:30 Stations
:30 rest b/t Stations
No rest b/t Rounds
Station 1
:30 Plank Hold
1:00 Max Cal Bike
Station 2
:30 Wall Sit
1:00 max DBL DB Swing
Station 3
:30 Hollow hold
1:00 Max DB push Press
Station 4
:30 Mountain Climbers
1:00 Row/Ski
2-3 SETS
10 Hammer Curls
20 Hollow rocks
:30 DBL DB Overhead Carry