Warm Up:
:30 Bike
20 Band Pull Aparts
10 Banded Good Morning
Sled Drag
:30 Bike
20 Single Leg RDL
10 Kb deadlift
Sled Drag
Performance: Build to a heavy 3 deadlift
Not a 3RM Deadlift..heavy but doable without any major compromise in mechanics. This should be heavier than the weight you choose for the workout.
AMRAP x 10 Minutes
Row 300m
7 Burpee over bar
3 Deadlift
*Every round add (2) more DL. 3-5-7-9 and so on until the end of AMRAP
Finisher: 30 strict Pull Ups
*any variation for grip and width. Every 10 Reps accumulate 1:00 Hollow hold
Fitness: 3 sets Building
4/4 Db Step Up W/ Curl
7/7 Chain Saw
10 Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
Every 3:00 For 15 Minutes
Run/Row 200m
10 Kb Deadlift
5 Burpee
Finisher: 30 perfect ring rows