The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow


Warm Up:
400m Row
200m Jog
100 Jump Rope
.5 Assault Bike 

3 sets for quality: 10 Reps Each:
Step Up 
Bench Dip
Ring Row 

EMOM x 12 Minutes
1) 12 Front Rack Alt Lunges* 
2) 10 Wide Grip Pull Ups or Pull Downs 
*Barbell comes from the floor 

EMOM x 10
6 Alt Db Snatch (50/35) + 5 Burpee 
*perform both movements every minute, rest the remainder of the minute until next round

Core Finisher: 2-3 sets 
10 Hanging Knee Raises
20 ALT V Ups
30 R-Twist 


Difficult roads always lead to beautiful destinations. – Zig Ziglar
