
Warm Up: 2 Rounds 

  • 200m

  • Lateral band Walk down and back 

  • 20 PVC Pass Thru 

  • 10 Ring Row 

  • 10 Push Up or Band press 

3-4 rounds: Performance/Fitness
8/8 Landmine PresS
10 Landmine Rotation or Banded Trunk Twist 
10 DB Reverse Lunges

Performance:  3 Rounds: 
2:00 Stations
No Rest b/t stations 
2:00 Rest b/t Rounds

1) Row 500/400m 
2) 20 Burpees
3) 2:00 Max Plank (every break = 10 sit ups) 
4) 2:00 Max Wall Sit (every break = 10 lunges)

3 Rounds: 
1:00 Stations
:20 Transition 
1:00 Rest b/t Stations 

Station 1
Max Wall Ball Ground to Overhead

Station 2 
Max Up Downs or Rope Slams

Station 3
Max Box Step Ups 

Station 4 
Max Cal Row


Happy 4th of July!
