Warm Up: 2 Rounds
30 sec Each (alternate moves)
Jump Rope/ Rope Slam
Plank S-Tap/ Hollow Rocks or Hold
Lat Overs / Palio Chair
Performance: 3x Steady Work
10/10 Double KB Front Rack Split Squat
Lateral Banded Walk
:20 Static Ring Row Hold
5 Box Jumps
3 rounds
Go til Failure
- T2B
-Push Up
-Front Squat (#135/#95)
200m Run/ Row and 10/7 Cal Bike between each move
*alternate each round
3 sets:
5/5 Db Step Up W Curl
Lateral Band Walk
10 Ring Rows
AMRAP x 15 Minutes
30 Alt Lunges
15 Db Push Press or Floor Press
:30 Plank Hold
1 Prowler Push or Sled Pull Down and Back