Congrats to this group for rocking it these past 4 week!


Warm Up: 
400m Row 
200m Jog
100 Jump Rope 
Prowler push Down and Back (light) 

2 x 15: 
Good Mornings
Band Pull Apart 

Sumo Deadlift: 5,5,5,5,5
*Build to a heavy 5 set 

EMOM x 20 Minutes
1) 15 Up-Downs 
2) 12/10 Cal Bike 
3) 20 Ball Slams
4) 10 Db Strict Press   

Fitness:  3 sets 
5/5 Single Leg RDL
10 Lat Pull Down
10 Knee to Elbow 

1 Round 
4:00 Stations 
1:00 Rest b/t Stations

Station 1 AMRAP 
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Kb/ Db Deadlift

Station 2 AMRAP 
40 Jump Rope
10 DB Push Press

Station 3 AMRAP 
:30 Plank 
10 Kb Swing 

Station 4 AMRAP 
:30 Hollow Hold 
10 Db Lunges

Cashout:  1-10 
Sit Up/ Russian Twist 
*10 Flutters between each set 

