Warm Up: Down and Backs or 400m
Perform 30 seconds on each side of the following movements…
*Station 1 – Banded Palloff Hold
*Station 2 – Band Pull Aparts
*Station 3 – Single-Leg Glute Bridge Hold
*Station 4 – Side Plank Hold
*Station 5 – Reverse Snow Angels
Performance: Push Press 3,3,3,3,3+
*Building each set
**Last set go for broke
18:00 AMRAP
Prowler Push 1 Way
3 Pull Ups
3 Calories Bike
Prowler Push 1 Way
6 Pull Ups
6 Calories Bike...
9 Pull Ups
9/6 Calories Bike....
*Continue up by 3 until time is up
Fitness: 3 Rounds for Quality
5 Arnold Press
7/7 Chainsaw
10 Ball Slam (heavy)
Every 2 Minutes for 24 Minutes or 3 rounds.
200m/ 10 Ring Rows
20 Kb Swing/ 7-10 Burpee
Prowler Down and Back/ 20 Plank Shoulder Tap
10 Push Up/ 15 Sit Up
Cashout: Friday special