Warm Up: 400m or down and backs
100 Jump Rope
2 x 15
Banded Good Morning
Low Row (light)
Build to Heavy 3 Hex Bar Deadlift
-rest as needed-
Build to a Heavy 3 Push Press
1 Round for time:
50 Air Squats
25 Hand Release Push ups*
50 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25) (25/15)
*feet elevated on plate
Fitness: EMOM for 10 Minutes
5 Kb Deadlift; 7/7 Chain Saw
Prowler Push Down and back
*alternate for 10 minutes
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
200m Run
15 Kb Swing
10 Ring Row
Cashout: 3 sets for 12-15 Reps
DB Deficit Push Up
DB Bent Over Row
Db Hammer Curl