Anything Is Possible
Warm Up: 3 Min Cardio; Break up however you desire
Bike; Jump Rope; Lat Over; Down and back
2 x 20: Band Pull Apart and Pvc Pass Thru
Performance: Bench Press
3 Rounds
Lat Pull down Superset W/
GHD Sit ups
Workout: AMRAP x 15 mins
200m Row
15 Russian Kettle bell Swings
10 Toe to Bar
5 Atomic Burpee (30/20)
Fitness: 3 rounds; 10-12 reps
Db Incline Bench
Lat Pull Down
Med ball russian twist or side med ball throw
1 Round 4:00 Stations
*1min rest b/t stations
1. AMRAP—20 air squats/ 10 Up Down
2. AMRAP—20 Jump Rope / 20 mountain climbers
3. AMRAP—20 medball DL / 20 medball push press
4. AMRAP—Plank (every time you break = 20 Flutters)
PARTNER FINISHER----- Each Partner will do 50 reps
100 Leg Throws (switch every 10 reps)
100 target Sit-ups ( “ “)
100 Plank alt. Hand Taps
*no partner do leg raises and switch moves every 10 reps
** throw ball to partner or pick a target for height on the wall for sit ups