Warm Up: Down and backs: High Knee, Butt kick, kick outs, lateral walk
- 60 jump Rope
- 50 Knee to elbow
- 40 skaters
- 30 sec single arm plank
- 20 hollow rocks
- 10 superman
Barbara: Five rounds each for time….
- 20 Pull Ups
- 30 Push ups
- 40 sit ups
- 50 air squats
*rest 3:00 between rounds
5 Rounds:
- 200m Run/ Row 15/10 Cal Bike
- 10 Double KB Sumo Deadlift
- 10/10 Banded Row + 10/10 Landmine Press
- 20 Tri Cep Pull downs
3 Rounds:
7 second levels
W/ 10 Push ups between sets
Strength Training:
Box Squat = 5 x 3
Pause Squat = 3 x 5 (3 sec pause)
Bulgarian Split Squat = 3 x (5/5)
Barbell Calf Raises = 3 x Rep