Warm Up: 400m or down and backs
3 min of cardio shooters choice:
Jump rope/ Step Up/ JJ/ Skater/ Hollow Hold
Performance: AMRAP 8 minutes (Set 1) Total Reps
- 10 t2b
- 15/10 Calories Bike
-Rest 2:00
AMRAP 8 minutes (Set 2) total reps
- 5 Atomic Burpee
- 200m Run (=1 rep)
-Rest 2:00
AMRAP 8 minutes (Set 3) Total Reps
- 20 DB Snatch
- 20/15 Calorie Row
Fitness: 4 Rounds
- 12 BB/ Db Step Ups (6/6) *add weight as you go
- :20 Battle Rope
- Prowler 2 way
- :20 Battle Rope
21 - 15 - 9
- Thruster
- Med Ball Sit Up
- Calorie
Deadlift = 5 x 5
Dead Rows = 3 x 5
Seated Low Rows = 4 x 12
Barbell 21’s (7 curls to 90 degrees, 7 above 90 degrees then 7 full) x 3 rounds