Warm Up: 400m Jog or down and backs
Performance: Spend 10 Minutes building to a heavy 3 set on power clean
AMRAP x 15 Minutes
5-10-15-20 and so on…
Cal Row
1-2-3-4-5 and so on
Bear complex (115/95)
1 Bear Complex…
- 1 Squat Clean
- 1 Overhead Press
- 1 Back Squat
- 1 Overhead Press (from back rack)
Buy in: Row 500m
EMOM x 15 Minutes
:45 @ each station
- Kb deadlifts
- Push Ups
- Bike
- Plank
- Sit Ups
Cashout: 50 Bicep curls/ 50 tri cep pull downs/ 50 Abs