Warm Up:
1) 200m
2) Prowler Push Down and bad
3) 15 Ring Rows
Performance: Prepare to deadlift as needed
Partner Workout: Teams of 2…
For Time:
- 100 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 50 Toe to Bar/ Knee to elbow
- 75 Deadlift (185/135)
- 50 Toe to Bar/ Knee to elbow
- 50 Deadlift (225/155)
- 50 toe to bar / Knee to elbow
(30:00 Time cap)
*for TTB 1 Partner holds a plank position while the other completes the reps
** For the Deadlift, 1 Partner holds a plate OH (45/35) while the other completes reps
AMRAP 30 Minutes
- 400m run or row
- 20 Sit ups
- 30 DB Push Press (35/25)
- 40 Air Squats
- 50 Jump Rope
Score = rounds + reps completed
Cashout: Coaches Choice