Warm Up: EMOM:
- 200m Run
- Jump Rope
- 200m Row
- Plank Toe Tap
- Bike 10/7 Cal
- 10/7 Burpee
- Hollow body flutters
10 Rounds for time: “300”
- 5 Strict Pull up/ Ring Row
- 10 Db Movements* 50/30 or as heavy as possible
- 15 GHD/ Elelvated/ Reg sit ups/
*sit ups can also be scaled to a flutter or R-twist*
*Dumbbell movements:
1) DB Push Press
2) DB Burpee
3) Db Power Cleans
4) Db Bench Press
5) Db Lunge
6) Db Front Squat
7) Db Bent row
8) Db Snatch
9) Db Deadlifts
10) Db Thrusters
Cashout: Coaches Choice