Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
- Against a 2:00 Clock
- 20/10 cal Bike
- AMRAP: Hollow Rocks/ Holds or Flutter With Remaining Time
*rest one minute between rounds
10 Min AMRAP:
- 3 PC+OH (135/95)
- 6 H.R. Pushups
- 9 Box Jumps
*Rest 3 Minutes*
and then..
For Time:
12 - 24 - 36 - 48
Wall Balls
3 Sets for quality:
- 12 Db Bench press
- 60 sec plank hold (add weight if possible)
- 8/8 Single arm chainsaw
3 Rounds
- 400m
- 21 Kb Swings
- 12 Pull UPs
*scale to band/ Jump pull ups or lat pull down*