Warm Up: EMOM 6:
Down and Backs
Jump Rope
Prowler Push
Single Arm Plank or Plank Taps
Palio Chair
Performance: prep to squat
Back Squat 15-12-9-6
*Add weight as you work down in reps
Complete in between sets
20 Hollow Rocks
6 Box Jumps
5 rounds
14 American Swings
7 Burpee Clap Push Up
Max Strict Pull Ups
:60 Rest
4 Rounds:
5 Db Squats
7 Ring Row
10 Tuck Ups
Workout --- 3 Rounds 1:00 Stations
*:20 transition b/t Stations / 1:00 rest b/t Rounds
Station1: Max Step-ups
Station2: Max MB Push Press
Station3: Max Cal Row
Station4: Max MB Sit ups
Station 5: Walking Lunge W/ Db Curl
Cashout: 100 crunches