
Warm Up: 
Down and Backs 
100 Jump Rope 

2 x 10:  
Lunge w/ spiderman twist 
hip swings 
dead hang from bar in hollow position 20-sec

4:00 each station 

1) EMOM 10 Burpees (x 4 rounds before moving on)

2) EMOM 10/6 cal Bike

3) EMOM 10 Box Jumps/ tall box Step Ups 

4) AMRAP 10 Ball Slam; 10/7 cal row 

*1 minute rest between stations 
** do all 4 EMOMS’s at each station before moving to next 
***Scale:  Burpees to squats and double the reps

Cashout: 3 Rounds:  
 5 v-up; 10 Tuck Up; 15 R Twist; 20 flutters 
*each rep counts 

