Warm Up: EMOM x 5:
1) Down and Backs
2) Band Pull aparts
3) PVC Pass Thru and press
4) sit ups
5) Flutters
Performance: Push Press
Build to a heavy 5 set
Min. 1 - 24 KB Swing
Min. 2 - 16 Wall Balls (20/14)
Min. 3 - 8 Hang Clean (95/65)
Fitness: EMOM x 20
Min 1 - 20 Kb Swing
Min 2 - 10 Thruster
Min 3 - 30 sec plank
Min 4 - 10/7 Calories
Finisher: 3 SETS For Quality
10 DB Curls
20 Straight Leg Raises on ground (heel taps)
30 Russian Twists (1R/1L= 1 Rep)