Down and back: High knee, Butt Kick, High Kick, Walking RDL
3 min Cardio:; Jog/ bike/ Skater/ Jumping Jack/ Lat over
20 Banded Good Mornings
20 Band Pull Aparts
20 Hip Swings
Foam Roll Back as needed
1) Work to a heavy 1 rep
2) EMOM for 5 min., 2 DL’s @ 90%#1
DB/Kb Deadlift
Suitcase Walking Lunge
Performance/ Fitness
6 Rounds……
10 Wall Ball
8 Renegade Rows
* Scale renegade rows to chainsaw
Cashout: Coaches Choice
Strength Training:
Deadlift = 5 x 3
Bent Over Barbell Rows or T Bar Rows = 3 x 8
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows = 3 x (8/8)
Barbell Curls = 4 x 25